Globalization has subjected corporations to multi-jurisdictional tax systems. As a result, cross-border entities are exposed to the possibility of being audited and undergoing tax adjustments more than once for the same transaction.
Complex tax issues arise, including transfer pricing, challenging multinationals to strategically approach the subject to avoid tax adjustments in multiple jurisdictions.
Transfer Pricing is a compliance exercise that has to be analyzed, and its studies implemented with a global perspective as a tool to achieve tax efficiency.
Compliance with tax legislation and reporting is an essential requirement for global entities and individuals.
Gilda Almeida Law, PLLC
1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 2728
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: +1 305 -775-3349
International Tax Journal / Thomson Reuters, August 2019
Article: International Tax Arbitration: Global Tax Competition: Corporate vs. State